Information about Classes 教室のご案内

Weaving,Dyeing,Spinning Class  

instructor : Tanaka Makiko→check the artist!
The class consists of beginners who want to make 'something' and advanced members who want to create something from start to finish . There are many different kinds of hand work involved in the process: weaving with a loom, tapestry weaving, dyeing - natural and chemical , shibori(tie-dye), roketsu (batik), spinning with a spindle/wheel and so on.
- elementary: plain weaving and other basic technique of weaving
- intermediate: twile weaving, dyeing of wool, cotton thread
- advanced: kasuri(ikat), dantsu(knotting), tsuzure(brocade)

- elementary: using natural wool
- intermediate: using colored wool
- advanced: how to spin fancy yarn

< dyeing>
- elementary: basic knowledge of natural dyeing
- intermediate: chemical dyeing, indigo dyeing etc.
- advanced: baktik technique, tie-dye ,etc.

- admission fee for the studio membership: \10,000
- monthly fee: \8,000 (+ material expense)

contact to
tel&fax +81-(0)467-23-3663


What's Khaju Art Space?  Art Gallery in Khaju  Information about Classes
Rental space  Events&Workshops  Message from Khaju


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